Why Forest Hills Real Estate has maintained steady climb in prices through the past three decades?

For at least the last 3 decades, the prices, inflation accounted for, of forest hills real estate has maintained a steady climb. The two big factors are

1)  proximity of the express subway stop. See the MTA official subway map here and

2) relatively good school system: PS 144, PS 176, PS 101.

New York City’s school rankings have always been low. Article describing low math and reading scores in elementary schools in new york city.

One of two factors that make forest hills real estate is explained by the express subway station

Forest Hills is on an express stop leading into manhattan.

The subway stop at 71st Ave make the forest hills real estate closer access to manhattan. The two stops on your way towards manhattan lack the second part, good schools.

PS 144, PS 101, PS 176 have relatively better student grades and performances in the city.

The math scores have traditionally been high from the three schools in Forest Hills. Parents with children of entering school age, save for private schools, will want to purchase property to live in the area.



The demographic of the neighborhood in forest hills is changing.